ViewTouch Logo
ViewTouch, Inc.
2300 Oakmont Way, Ste 202
Eugene, Oregon  97401

ViewTouch is in the USA's Pacific time zone

Our phone line is open weekdays between 10am & 4pm @ ( 541.344.7990 )

ViewTouch Has a Substantial Prior Art Catalog for Invalidating Patents

The fact that ViewTouch has been a pioneer and an ongoing innovator in the fields of touchscreen interfaces and point of sale software has not deterred some individuals from filing applications for, and receiving, utility patents for ideas that ViewTouch invented and placed in the market decades ago.  The fact that none of these individuals have attempted to enforce their patents says it all.  ViewTouch has undertaken an aggressive role in invalidating several such patents.  The company has also declined any opportunities to patent its innovations.  ViewTouch routinely provides liberal insight into its innovations to encourage their widespread adoption and use.  The company will continue to resist the use of patents as a means of impeding the rapid advancement of touchscreen user interface design.

To this end, ViewTouch has and can demonstrate prior art to invalidate or otherwise effectively nullify a number of patents, including these:

Information management and synchronous communications system with menu generation

Touch Screen Form Entry

Simulated Keypads

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