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Revenue & Labor Cost Analysis
Touch 'n' View Any Day or Any Period Updated Every Minute
ViewTouch doesn't just store all of your data for you - it keeps your entire transaction history in Main Memory.  No Wonder It's Fast !

Every restaurant needs these numbers. Rely on ViewTouch for the numbers you need with perfect accuracy and lightning speed. No one will ever be able to find fault with record keeping like this; auditors can see compliance across every period. Control NON CASH revenue adjustments and labor costs, including non-intuitive details. The only way you can run a business is `by the numbers' and here are the numbers you need, Shift By Shift, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly.

Menu Item Performance
Any Day, Any Period
Accurate To The Moment

You can finally KNOW for certain which parts of your menu customers are responding to and which parts they reject! Knowing this, in very specific detail, enables you to engineer your menu to include new items which are similar to the proven items that are bringing customers in the door! Giving the public more of what you KNOW it wants is an age-old formula for success and profit.

This report features Touch 'n' View, our acclaimed 4GL Transaction Query Interface
Read more about the ViewTouch File System and SSD storage here.

ViewTouch Homeposhomeselecttimesheetauthoringrevenuetablescashbalanceprintersbuy
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